
Our Work.

Our vision is a world where all LGBTQ+ people can access safe spaces, development opportunities and economic security.

Our Mission is to build a strong organisation using the talents and skills of trans and non-binary people. Through our work, we will positively impact the lives of those affected by transphobia, biphobia and homophobia in the workplace and wider society. 


  • We aim to nurture, uplift and employ talented LGBTQ+ people.

  • We aim to create opportunities and spaces that platform the voices of LGBTQ+ people and provide paid employment opportunities for our communities.

  • We aim to advocate for the rights of all LGBTQ+ people to live and work with dignity and respect.

Our Story.

Learnest was established in 2018 by a group of trans, non-binary and queer peers and professionals who understood first-hand what it’s like to feel trapped in a working environment where you don’t feel safe or understood. Together as a team, we have created a forward-thinking social business owned and led by trans and non-binary people that support the broader LGBTQ+ community.

In 2019 we launched our LGBTQ+ mentoring programme. To date, we have provided free, peer-led led mentoring to over 300 LGBTQ+ individuals across the UK and welcomed over 5000 people to our in-person and online events and networks from across the UK.

The last few years have been challenging for us operationally, with Covid-19 significantly impacting our team and capacity. Still, we are proud of our journey and have recently celebrated the one-year anniversary of our flagship LGBTQ+ space in Wakefield, West Yorkshire.

We fund our work direct to LGBTQ+ communities through a combination of the profits from our commercial work and grant delivery.

 Meet The Team.

  • Louie Stafford (they/he)

    Founder & Managing Director

  • Rossella Nicosia (She/her)

    Company Director

  • SB Beer (they/them)

    Company Director

  • Katie Wood (she/they)

    Programme Coordinator

Work With Us.

WE are Hiring and looking for passionate/committed individuals to join our team.


We are a trans-led, non-for-profit business. We work alongside our clients and partners to build inclusive spaces and workplaces; we in turn invest the profits we make back into our programmes for LGBTQ+ people.

We gratefully welcome donations to support our work.

Connect with us.