Learnest Call for Submissions!
Call For Submissions:
The Learnest team are looking for contributions from trans and non-binary people to contribute to a community zine/publication about the positive experiences/stories/ lives of our communities.
The world is tough right now and the trans & non-binary community continue to face many great challenges. HOWEVER we believe their is incredible value in focussing on our strengths, assets & the unexpected perks of our unique journeys through life, especially in dark times!
As such, we would like to hear your answers to the following question:
What are the positives that you experience through living as a trans / transfemme / transmasc / non-binary / gender non-conforming person?
Entries must be no more than 250 words & chosen submissions will be used to inform a illustrated print & digital resource created by Learnest and James Fox Creative. Chosen entries will receive £30.
To submit, please email jamieneville@learnest.co.uk, tweet @learnestcic or reply to any of our social media channels.
If you wish to remain anonymous or use a pseudonym for your entry please let us know in your submission. We will be accepting submissions until the end of March 2020.
Thank you!